
Branding is as important as a reputation, you have to build it.

Brand identity

First of all, you need to clearly define who you are and what your purpose as a company is. It’s kind of a step-by-step process which begins by finding a logical connection between your operational activity and a visual/voice identity. Put differently, you need to find a way of communication that matches your company and how you present it in front of people. You can add humor, seriousness, be professional or even crazy. As long as you’re authentic and clear with your brand, you’ll be fine!

We help you build that identity which successfully matches your company and what image you want it to have.

That will then enable you to know which audience you can target and which niche you can position yourself in according to your activity and identity.

Brand awareness

Successful companies have many points in common, but the main one is brand awareness. If you don’t know what this is, it means that you’re in the right place. Brand awareness represents the degree of recognition a brand has with its target audience or people in general and how they interact with it, how familiar they are with it.

Building awareness is no easy task and is strongly recommended because it can lead to great business outcomes when you market and promote your services, your products or your company more generally. It is even more necessary to do it when your company is in the early stages of development.

Brand Awareness is the result of many simultaneous actions and it surely doesn’t happen overnight. Raising awareness also doesn’t mean making paid advertisements on Facebook or Instagram and waiting that people will follow and engage with your brand. You have to socialize. You have to give without asking anything in return. We help you develop your story and tell it to your audience so they know you’re not just a company trying to sell something. Authenticity is key to raising awareness. Also, bring value with your content, because people basically only engage with a brand that brings value to them or they have a relationship with.

Social currency

When comparing two brands, one always resonates more than the other. This is something you can’t always explain, but this preference for one brand over the other can be explained with what is called social currency.

Social currency is a powerful tool to develop your brand and it’s essentially the shareability of the content you create on your social platform that constitutes your brand’s online presence and the influence it has on people. This is measured by how often the content of a brand is shared. So social currency is about finding a great way to communicate your message to your audience.

If your brand creates content that people want to share with their friends or family because it has brought them value or they liked it for some reason, it means that they have connected to your content and want others to see it. It means that your brand has a lot of social currency. It gives you the permission to interact with other people through the sharing of people, so you have a broader reach. They may also think that sharing your content makes them look cooler, smarter, like they’re trying to be useful to others. This social currency is an additional element in the development of your brand. It’s all about brand culture.

Brand loyalty

At the end of the day, all brands want their audience to be loyal to them and to buy from them. They want them to be their advocate. But, to get to the point where someone recommends a brand to their friends or family and buy from it consistently, they need to have a relationship with that specific brand.

The blueprint to that is nothing very tricky. All you need to create a relationship with an audience, as we said above, is to provide value to people without asking anything in return. That way, you’ll get trust from them and step by step, they’ll recognize your brand as trustworthy and authentic and that’s when they’ll be open to buy from you. The less you try to sell something to somebody, the more you’ll sell.

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